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- Importancia de la Colonoscopía | Dr. Aurelio Núñez | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Telemedicine: Development and Advantages Por el Doctor Aurelio Iván Núñez MD FACS Cirugía General - Coloproctología - Colonoscopista 🔬 La colonoscopia es un procedimiento diagnóstico avanzado que utiliza un colonoscopio para examinar el recto y colon. Permite detectar tempranamente condiciones como pólipos, úlceras e inflamaciones. Recomendado especialmente para personas mayores de 50 años, con síntomas gastrointestinales o antecedentes familiares de cáncer colorrectal. Este estudio es vital para la prevención y diagnóstico de enfermedades digestivas. ¿Que Es? Beneficios Anatomia Involucrada ¿Quién Debe Realizarse? Información y Contacto If we have to point out a moment of beginning of the use of the tool as such, we must go back to 1959 and direct our gaze to the University of Nebraska, in its School of Medicine, where there is the first document that speaks of visual telecommunication in health care, specifically, in the specialty of psychiatry From then until now, encompassed in the information society, development has been impressive in terms of technological elements. However, if we have to mark a historical milestone, it is the emergence of the Internet as a communication tool, which has exponentially increased the applications of telemedicine for all parts of healthcare (professional patients and the system). We will also see that one of the development priorities of the countries is to increase the number of inhabitants who use the Internet and information communication systems. que beneficios ⚕️ Anatomía y Procedimiento 🫁 La anatomía involucrada en este procedimiento comprende el tracto gastrointestinal inferior, específicamente el recto y el colon. El recto, con una extensión de 6 a 8 pulgadas en adultos, cumple una función esencial en el proceso digestivo, actuando como la etapa final antes de la evacuación intestinal. ❗ ¿Quiénes Deben Realizarse este Estudio? 👥 Según el Dr. Aurelio Iván Nuñez , existen grupos específicos que deben prestar especial atención a la realización de este estudio. Entre ellos se encuentran personas que presentan síntomas activos como hemorragias, anemia, alteraciones en las deposiciones o pérdida de peso inexplicable. También es crucial para pacientes con antecedentes de diverticulitis, enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales y especialmente para personas mayores de 50 años o con historial familiar de cáncer colorrectal. 📞 Información de Contacto 📱 Para consultas y citas: Ingrese Aquí Contact Center: +507 6575-6493 anatomia aquien contacto
- Obesidad, Enfermedad Crónica | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Telemedicine: Development and Advantages Encuentre un Médico Especialista Aquí La Enfermedad La Causa La Solución If we have to point out a moment of beginning of the use of the tool as such, we must go back to 1959 and direct our gaze to the University of Nebraska, in its School of Medicine, where there is the first document that speaks of visual telecommunication in health care, specifically, in the specialty of psychiatry From then until now, encompassed in the information society, development has been impressive in terms of technological elements. However, if we have to mark a historical milestone, it is the emergence of the Internet as a communication tool, which has exponentially increased the applications of telemedicine for all parts of healthcare (professional patients and the system). We will also see that one of the development priorities of the countries is to increase the number of inhabitants who use the Internet and information communication systems. enfem ¿Qué te causa la obesidad? Aunque existen influencias genéticas, conductuales, metabólicas y hormonales en el peso corporal, la obesidad ocurre cuando se ingieren más calorías de las que se queman con las actividades diarias normales y el ejercicio. El cuerpo almacena ese exceso de calorías en forma de grasa. ¿Cómo se puede mejorar la obesidad? Plan de alimentación saludable y de actividad física regular. Cambiar los hábitos. Programas para controlar el peso. Medicamentos para perder peso. Dispositivos para perder peso. Cirugía bariátrica. que mejorar
- Importancia de las Vacunas | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Importance of Vaccines The impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic in the XXI century brings up the specter of the lack of awareness that the populations have in relation to this issue ..... Find a Healthcare Professional Here Disease Eradication Important Remember Possible Reactions There are two measures in Public Health that have had an extraordinary impact on the health of the world's citizens over the years: the purification of water and vaccination. Drinking water we all know what it is, but we wonder what are vaccines? Since ancient times, man sought to be resistant to infections. In ancient India and China, variolation is perhaps the first vaccine practice used successfully against a certain infection. But scientific vaccinology was formed later with Pasteur who is considered the father of vaccinology, discovering in 1880 the vaccine against rabies. Vaccines, in a simple way, we will say that they are biological drugs that, applied to healthy people, cause the generation of defenses (antibodies) that act to protect them against future contacts with the infectious agents against which we are vaccinated, avoiding infection or disease. Vaccines are one of the health measures that has produced and continues to produce the greatest benefit to humanity, they prevent diseases that previously caused major epidemics, deaths and sequelae. Vaccines benefit both vaccinated people and unvaccinated and susceptible people living in their environment (group immunity). Through vaccines we have managed to eradicate smallpox, we are completing the eradication of poliomyelitis in the world, measles is no longer a frequent problem in our environment (frequent cause of encephalitis and mental handicaps only a few years ago), we do not have cases diphtheria and other diseases such as whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B, meningococcal meningitis ... are being controlled. Las vacunas, de una forma sencilla diremos que son medicamentos biológicos que aplicados a personas sanas provocan la generación de defensas (anticuerpos) que actúan protegiéndole ante futuros contactos con los agentes infecciosos contra los que nos vacunamos, evitando la infección o la enfermedad. Mediante las vacunas hemos conseguido erradicar la viruela, estamos finalizando la erradicación de la poliomielitis en el mundo, el sarampión ha dejado de ser un problema frecuente en nuestro medio (causa frecuente de encefalitis y minusvalías psíquicas hace tan sólo unos años), no tenemos casos de difteria y otras enfermedades como la tos ferina, el tétanos, la hepatitis B, las meningitis meningocócicas...están siendo controladas. erradicacion imporante The number of doses and the time interval between each one, that is, the vaccination regimen, is important in order to achieve a good response and greater vaccine efficacy. To facilitate the correct application of vaccines in childhood, all countries have developed vaccination schedules: they are called childhood vaccination schedules. They define the vaccines, doses and ages of application. But vaccinations do not end in the pediatric age, but epidemiological changes justify in many cases continuing them in adulthood, to avoid the re-emergence of diseases that seemed already controlled or to reinforce their immunogenic potency. Although children are the ones who receive most of the vaccines, adults also need to protect themselves by vaccination against germs such as tetanus, diphtheria, pneumococcus, flu, rubella ... which are also the cause of diseases in adults, in many cases more serious than in children. reacciones Does vaccination have risks? We always have to bear in mind that "The risks of vaccination will always be lower than its benefits" and that "It is not better to suffer from the disease than to receive the vaccine: with vaccination we acquire protection by saving ourselves from the disease." Vaccines are very effective and safe drugs. No advance in medicine has managed to save as many lives as vaccines, thanks to them the diseases that were perceived as threats cease to exist or are highly diminished. Their safety is very high and they are the pharmaceutical products that are required to have the highest safety standards: all the vaccines currently administered have clearly demonstrated their efficacy and safety. However, it is important to consider different issues in order to minimize the otherwise very low risk of side effects. These precautions should be taken into account and considered in the professional's assessment prior to any vaccination. On some occasions some adverse reactions may appear such as: mild redness and pain at the injection site, fever or muscle aches. On rare occasions there have been strong allergic reactions to any of the components of the vaccines. As with all medicines, we have to bear in mind that there is a very small risk of a serious problem occurring, but this risk is always much lower than that derived from contracting the disease. What reactions can a vaccine produce? Most of the reactions that can occur after administration of a vaccine are mild and transient. The most frequent reactions are: Loss of appetite Redness and swelling where it was injected. Light fever All these reactions usually disappear after two or three days. However, the advice is that if these symptoms persist after the administration of a vaccine, it is best to contact your pediatrician or closest health professional. In our country, the reports on adverse events occurring after vaccination are rigorously examined. These reports generally come from healthcare professionals, people who have been vaccinated, parents, vaccine manufacturers, or third parties.
- Depilación Clínica Láser | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Telemedicine: Development and Advantages por la Doctora Layla Duarte Dermatología para citas en línea ingrese aquí ¿Por qué se Realiza? Preparación Después Resultados If we have to point out a moment of beginning of the use of the tool as such, we must go back to 1959 and direct our gaze to the University of Nebraska, in its School of Medicine, where there is the first document that speaks of visual telecommunication in health care, specifically, in the specialty of psychiatry From then until now, encompassed in the information society, development has been impressive in terms of technological elements. However, if we have to mark a historical milestone, it is the emergence of the Internet as a communication tool, which has exponentially increased the applications of telemedicine for all parts of healthcare (professional patients and the system). We will also see that one of the development priorities of the countries is to increase the number of inhabitants who use the Internet and information communication systems. porque Por qué se realiza La depilación láser se utiliza para reducir el vello no deseado. Los lugares frecuentes donde se realiza el tratamiento son piernas, axilas, labio superior, mentón y línea del bikini. Sin embargo, es posible tratar el vello no deseado en casi cualquier zona, excepto los párpados o la zona de alrededor. La piel con tatuajes tampoco debe tratarse. El riesgo de daño a la piel es mayor cuando hay poco contraste entre el color del vello y el color de la piel, pero los avances en la tecnología láser han convertido a la depilación láser en una opción para las personas con piel más oscura. La depilación láser es menos eficaz para los colores de vello que no absorben bien la luz: gris, pelirrojo, rubio y blanco. Sin embargo, las opciones de tratamiento con láser para el vello de color claro continúan desarrollándose. Cómo prepararse Si estás interesado en la depilación con láser, elige un médico certificado en una especialidad como la dermatología o la cirugía estética y que tenga experiencia en depilación con láser en tu tipo de piel. Si un asociado médico o un enfermero matriculado realizarán el procedimiento, asegúrate de que el médico lo supervise y esté disponible en el lugar durante los tratamientos. Ten cuidado con los spas, los salones de belleza u otros centros que permiten que el personal no médico realice la depilación con láser. Antes de la depilación con láser, programa una consulta con el médico para determinar si esta es una opción de tratamiento adecuada para ti. Tu médico podría hacer lo siguiente: Revisar tus antecedentes médicos, incluidos los medicamentos que usas, antecedentes de trastornos de la piel o formación de cicatrices y procedimientos anteriores de depilación Hablar sobre los riesgos, beneficios y expectativas, incluso lo que la depilación con láser puede hacer o no por ti Tomar fotografías para utilizar en evaluaciones donde se compara el antes y el después, y revisiones a largo plazo Depilación Láser Clínica Doctora Layla Duarte, Dermatología Depilación Láser Clínica Doctora Layla Duarte, Dermatología Doctora Layla Duarte, Dermatología Depilación Láser Clínica Depilación Láser Clínica Doctora Layla Duarte, Dermatología 1/4 prepaación El médico también ofrecerá instrucciones específicas para prepararte para la depilación con láser. Entre estos se podrían incluir los siguientes: No exponerte al sol. Sigue los consejos del médico para evitar la exposición al sol antes y después del tratamiento. Siempre que salgas, aplica un protector solar de amplio espectro, SPF30. Aclarar tu piel. Evita cremas de bronceado sin sol que oscurezcan la piel. Es posible que el médico también te recete una crema decolorante si tienes un bronceado reciente o la piel más oscura. Evitar otros métodos de depilación. La depilación mediante electrólisis, con pinzas de depilar y ceras puede alterar los folículos pilosos y debe evitarse al menos cuatro semanas antes del tratamiento. Evitar los medicamentos anticoagulantes. Pregúntale a tu médico qué medicamentos evitar antes del procedimiento, como las aspirinas o los medicamentos antiinflamatorios. Afeitar el área de tratamiento. Se recomienda recortarse o afeitarse el día antes del tratamiento con dispositivo láser. De esa manera, se elimina el vello por encima de la piel que puede ocasionar daños en dicha superficie debido al vello quemado, pero preserva el tallo del vello debajo de la superficie. Durante el procedimiento El médico presionará un instrumento láser de mano sobre la piel. Según el tipo de láser, se puede usar un dispositivo de enfriamiento en la punta del instrumento o un gel frío para proteger la piel y disminuir el riesgo de efectos secundarios. Después del procedimiento Quizás notes enrojecimiento e hinchazón en las primeras horas después de la depilación láser. Para reducir las molestias, puedes aplicarte hielo en la zona tratada. Si presentas una reacción alérgica en la piel inmediatamente después de la depilación láser, el médico podría aplicarte una crema con esteroides en la zona afectada. Después de la depilación láser y entre los tratamientos programados, evita la exposición al sol y no uses camas solares durante seis semanas, o según te lo indique el médico. Usa un protector solar de amplio espectro SPF30 todos los días. Resultados Los vellos no se caen de inmediato, pero lo harán durante un plazo de días a semanas. Esto puede parecer un crecimiento continuo del vello. Los tratamientos repetidos suelen ser necesarios porque el crecimiento y la pérdida del vello ocurren naturalmente en un ciclo y el tratamiento con láser funciona mejor con los folículos pilosos en la etapa de nuevo crecimiento. pst resultados
- Enfermedad Diverticular | Dr. Aurelio Nuñez | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Telemedicine: Development and Advantages Por el Doctor Aurelio Iván Nuñez Cirugía General - Coloproctología - Colonoscopista Para Citas Ingrese Aquí Chat Por WhatsApp clic aquí ¿Qué Es? Síntomas Causas Diagnóstico If we have to point out a moment of beginning of the use of the tool as such, we must go back to 1959 and direct our gaze to the University of Nebraska, in its School of Medicine, where there is the first document that speaks of visual telecommunication in health care, specifically, in the specialty of psychiatry From then until now, encompassed in the information society, development has been impressive in terms of technological elements. However, if we have to mark a historical milestone, it is the emergence of the Internet as a communication tool, which has exponentially increased the applications of telemedicine for all parts of healthcare (professional patients and the system). We will also see that one of the development priorities of the countries is to increase the number of inhabitants who use the Internet and information communication systems. que Síntomas de la enfermedad diverticular La diverticulosis normalmente no tiene síntomas. Podría causar calambres leves, distensión abdominal o estreñimiento. Muchas otras afecciones también pueden causar estos síntomas. El síntoma más común de la diverticulitis es el dolor abdominal intenso. Por lo general, se siente en la parte inferior izquierda de su abdomen. A menudo aparece de repente. Puede comenzar de manera moderada y aumentar lo largo de varios días. Otros síntomas pueden incluir fiebre, náuseas, estreñimiento o diarrea. Usted podría encontrar una gran cantidad de sangre en las heces o en el inodoro. Esto podría ser un signo de sangrado diverticular. Si observa sangre proveniente del recto, debe llamar a su médico de inmediato. ¿Qué causa la enfermedad diverticular? Los médicos no han determinado exactamente qué causa la enfermedad diverticular. Creen que puede ser causada por no comer suficiente fibra. Cuando usted no come suficiente fibra, las heces pueden no ser tan suaves. Podría sufrir de estreñimiento. El estreñimiento y las heces duras aumentan la presión en las paredes del intestino. Esta presión puede causar la formación de bolsas diverticulares. Otros factores que podrían contribuir a la enfermedad diverticular incluyen: la genética la falta de ejercicio la obesidad fumar la disminución de las bacterias intestinales saludables el aumento de bacterias causantes de enfermedades en el colon ciertos medicamentos, incluidos esteroides y fármacos anti-inflamatorios no esteroides (AINE) tales como el ibuprofeno. La enfermedad diverticular se vuelve más común a medida que usted envejece. El riesgo comienza a aumentar después de los 40 años. La mayoría de la gente la tiene en el momento en que tienen 80 años. ¿Cómo se diagnostica la enfermedad diverticular? Si tiene síntomas, el médico puede revisar su abdomen para comprobar la existencia de sensibilidad. El médico puede preguntarle acerca de sus hábitos intestinales, la dieta y los medicamentos que toma causa sint diagn
- Halitosis | Mal Aliento | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Halitosis Is it a consequence of periodontal disease? let's see this article Encuentre un Médico Especialista Ingresando aquí Common disease Bleeding, Dolores and .. Solution La halitosis es un signo clínico caracterizado por mal aliento u olor bucal desagradable. Generalmente está provocada por bacterias, y afecta al 25 % de la población, tiene una gran prevalencia en la población general. Se estima que más del 50 % de las personas la padecen en algún momento de su vida. Es muy frecuente presentar halitosis al despertar por la mañana, después de varias horas de sueño, cuando las estructuras de la boca han estado en reposo y la producción de saliva ha sido muy escasa. Es más frecuente en personas que superan los 50 años de edad. Halitosis is a clinical sign characterized by bad breath or unpleasant mouth odor. It is generally caused by bacteria, and affects 25% of the population, it has a high prevalence in the general population. It is estimated that more than 50% of people suffer from it at some point in their life. It is very common to present halitosis when waking up in the morning, after several hours of sleep, when the structures of the mouth have been at rest and the production of saliva has been very low. It is more common in people over 50 years of age . Periodontal disease is probably one of the most common today and one of the main causes of Halitosis. Of the different periodontal pathologies that exist, gingivitis is the most recurrent: it is very prevalent and goes practically unnoticed. Patients do not know when they have it, since their symptoms are conceived as normal. The bleeding, the pain, the little discomforts, the swelling, most think that they are normal things, that in a few days will disappear, but without proper treatment they will only get worse. However, there is a symptom that does bother and becomes constant: HALITOSIS. If left untreated, gingivitis can cause bad breath and, as a consequence, compromise the patient's self-esteem and interpersonal relationships. Halitosis can be of different types, but the extra-oral / intra-oral classification is the most common. el sangrado cmun ¿Qué es cada una de ellas? La halitosis extra-oral tiene su origen fuera de la boca, y puede transmitirse por vía sanguínea. La halitosis intra-oral, en cambio, sí que se origina dentro de la boca, la fuente del mal olor se encuentra en el interior. Es de esta última tipología de la que estamos hablando, que puede ser provocada por la gingivitis o la periodontitis. Vemos, entonces, que el mal aliento y la enfermedad periodontal están directamente relacionados. Además, ambas cosas no sólo pueden ser perjudiciales para nuestra salud bucodental, sino que pueden causarnos traumas importantes, complejos y aislamiento social. What is each one of them? Extra-oral halitosis originates outside the mouth, and can be transmitted through the bloodstream. Intra-oral halitosis, on the other hand, does originate inside the mouth, the source of the bad smell is inside. It is the latter type that we are talking about, which can be caused by gingivitis or periodontitis. We see, then, that bad breath and periodontal disease are directly related. In addition, both things can not only be detrimental to our oral health, but they can cause us significant, complex trauma and social isolation. How can we act against halitosis? When halitosis is a consequence of gingivitis, what you need to do is treat the root disease. The dentist will monitor your gum disease, prescribe specific mouthwashes, and as the symptoms fade, you will regain pleasant, fresh breath. But the best way to act against halitosis is prevention: brush your teeth after every meal, don't forget to clean with Dental Floss, eliminate biofilm, avoid tobacco and alcohol, reduce tea and coffee, drink plenty of water. and, above all, reduce stress. This way we not only prevent halitosis, but also gum disease. Don't forget to schedule dental visits and get professional dental cleanings. The important thing is to eliminate bacterial plaque and prevent it from adhering to the teeth and forming tartar. como actuar
- Enfermedades del Hígado | Dr. Cárdenas | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Diseases of the Liver By Doctor Luis J. Cárdenas Gastrointestinal Surgeon Manage Face-to-Face Appointment or Telemedicine Here Ictericia Hepatitis Cirrosis The liver is a large, reddish organ that sits mainly in the upper abdomen above the stomach and below the diaphragm. It weighs about 1.3 kg in women and 1.8 kg in men, making it the largest solid organ in the body. The liver requires 13% of the blood supply and performs approximately 500 different functions. It is made up of cells called hepatocytes, which absorb food and detoxify the blood by eliminating harmful substances. The liver is therefore a vital organ for digestion and for ridding the body of toxins. Liver disease can occur as an inherited condition or it can be caused by multiple factors such as a viral infection, alcohol consumption or obesity, for example. Major Liver Diseases The diseases associated with disorders in the liver are many and with diverse causes; Among the main ones are: Jaundice In this disease, the bile accumulates in the bloodstream and the body tissues turn yellow. The first place it is noticed is on the whites of the eyes, but over time the whole body is covered in this tonality, it can even be seen in the urine and sweat that have a yellowish tint. This disease is generally caused by one of three situations: a) It can be a hereditary disease that also affects the spleen. b) it may be due to gallstones obstructing the duct from the liver; and c) it can be caused by a liver infection known as hepatitis. Hepatitis It is often caused by a viral attack, whereby the organ swells causing excruciating pain on the right side of the body. It takes a long time for you to notice any recovery; Although many patients are completely relieved, there is no guarantee that this will happen in 100% of the cases. The symptoms of hepatitis have a slow onset and therefore difficult to detect early. It is usually accompanied by fever, clear loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Cirrhosis Although it is one of the most common liver diseases, it is also one of the most misunderstood. In this the liver has a rough appearance, which was previously thought to be the direct result of chronic alcoholism. As its cause remains a mystery, it can exist undetected for many years. Hepatomegaly This liver disease can disturb the blood flow in the liver or cause tumors to generate (benign or bad), which add to the liver mass. Some of the most common causes of hepatomegaly are metastatic cancer, fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis. icterca hepa crrosis
- Por Qué ir al Dermatólogo | Dra. Avrín Chong | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Telemedicine: Development and Advantages por la Doctora Avrin Llauradó de Chong Médico Dermatólogo Para Citas Ingrese Aquí Chat Por WhatsApp clic aquí La Dermatología El Dermatólogo El Problema Recuerde If we have to point out a moment of beginning of the use of the tool as such, we must go back to 1959 and direct our gaze to the University of Nebraska, in its School of Medicine, where there is the first document that speaks of visual telecommunication in health care, specifically, in the specialty of psychiatry From then until now, encompassed in the information society, development has been impressive in terms of technological elements. However, if we have to mark a historical milestone, it is the emergence of the Internet as a communication tool, which has exponentially increased the applications of telemedicine for all parts of healthcare (professional patients and the system). We will also see that one of the development priorities of the countries is to increase the number of inhabitants who use the Internet and information communication systems. l derm el dermat el problea recuerde Todo dermatólogo, después de completada su carrera de médico, debe estudiar para conocer a fondo la estructura y función de la piel así como los cambios que se producen en la misma desde la infancia hasta la vejez, posteriormente se estudian las lesiones elementales y como reconocerlas, luego las enfermedades (patologías) que producen esas lesiones y por qué y cómo se producen, por último aprendemos a dar tratamiento a las mismas o como evitar que se produzcan. Todo este proceso toma años y reconocer los aproximadamente 3.000 (tres mil) diagnósticos que se pueden hacer en la piel no es tarea fácil, por lo que aún después de que hemos obtenido el título, seguimos aprendiendo cada día con cada nuevo paciente que vemos en la consulta…todo esto sin contar que además debemos conocer las tecnologías que se aplican en algunas ramas de la dermatología y que nos obligan a estar actualizados casi a diario con los últimos avances en ese campo. El problema llega cuando la piel está enferma. Parece mentira que las mismas personas que correrían al cardiólogo por un dolor en el pecho, al gastroenterólogo por una gastritis o al oftalmólogo por una visión borrosa sin osar auto medicarse; estén dispuestos a usar cualquier cosa que le recomiende la vecina, alguien en el salón de belleza o un compañero de trabajo, sin importar qué sea la sustancia que se vayan a aplicar ni mucho menos el diagnóstico de la lesión que tienen. Por todo esto la próxima vez que tenga una lesión cutánea que no se curó sola en unos pocos días, que se está extendiendo o que tiene un aspecto que no le parezca normal, recuerde que el Dermatólogo es el único que conoce la piel y sólo él podrá manejarla de la manera más acertada, pues a pesar de que la piel está a la vista de todos, no es cualquiera el que puede tratarla, ya que para ello se necesitan años de preparación y experiencia.
- Las 4 Alergias más Comunes | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More The 4 Most Common Allergies Find a Specialist Enter here Pollen Mites Animal Hair Mold About 25% of people globally suffers from some type of allergic disorder throughout the year. Although we usually identify spring as the most complicated time for most of them, the frequent symptoms are itchy skin or nasal congestion, recurrently and / or for long periods of time. According to the World Health Organization for its chapter in Panama, 27% of the population suffers from some type of allergic disorder, the reality that decades of medical practice at a social and private level indicate is that at least 45% of the population suffers from an allergic episode at some point in his life, which when treated as a simple cold causes a temporary relief of discomfort and a subsequent triggering crisis in episodes, which, in many cases is irreversible. Allergies as such must be treated by a specialist prepared to deal with these crises and their cure through treatment. Let's not forget the nickname earned within the allergy medical community "The Great Simulator" Pollen allergy The cross of nature lovers, but beware because there are more and more allergies in cities. Grasses are one of the groups of plants that allergy sufferers should avoid the most, but unfortunately they are not the only ones. It is important that you know the precautions to follow and also the treatments that you can resort to, by visiting a specialist plen acaros Mite allergy It is commonly called a dust allergy. The organic component of it, among which are these tiny arachnids practically invisible to the human eye, is what can act as an irritant or allergen. Faced with continuous exposure, for long periods of time, we can begin to feel symptoms related to allergy and even asthma pelo Allergy to animal hair. The allergenic factors are not found so much in the hair, but in the dandruff. Due to our coexistence in domestic environments, the allergy caused by contact with cats and dogs is usually the most common, but the truth is that any animal could cause us a similar reaction Ancla 4 Mold allergy. This microorganism usually occurs indoors, closed and humid, producing small imperceptible spores that end up floating in the room. But they are also common outdoors, especially on the ground and on plants that remain wet. We must control its appearance and development to avoid annoying allergic reactions, often misidentified. To have a greater well-being in our day-to-day life, it is important that we have an accurate diagnosis, follow the recommended treatment and that we do not forget the prevention measures, as well as the wide range of vaccines that I insist thanks to the advances have the particularity of mutating creating the necessary defenses to have an excellent quality of life in exposure to the factors mentioned that make daily life.
- 5 Consejos para Cuidar el Corazón | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Telemedicine: Development and Advantages Encuentre un Médico Aquí Tabaco Dieta Colesterol Estrés Actividad Física If we have to point out a moment of beginning of the use of the tool as such, we must go back to 1959 and direct our gaze to the University of Nebraska, in its School of Medicine, where there is the first document that speaks of visual telecommunication in health care, specifically, in the specialty of psychiatry From then until now, encompassed in the information society, development has been impressive in terms of technological elements. However, if we have to mark a historical milestone, it is the emergence of the Internet as a communication tool, which has exponentially increased the applications of telemedicine for all parts of healthcare (professional patients and the system). We will also see that one of the development priorities of the countries is to increase the number of inhabitants who use the Internet and information communication systems. boton 2 ancla art tbaco diet Cuida tu colesterol La obstrucción de las arterias por exceso de colesterol malo (LDL) es el principal desencadenante de ictus e infartos. Uno de los factores que lo provocan es el abuso de grasas saturadas, presentes en lácteos enteros, embutidos, bollería industrial, aperitivos salados y otros productos procesados. Manteniendo el nivel de colesterol dentro de los límites establecidos reducimos el riesgo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. El 80% de las enfermedades del corazón y hasta el 90% de los infartos se podrían prevenir llevando un estilo de vida saludable, realizando ejercicio físico y vigilando la dieta. Controla tu estrés Desde 2012, la Guía de la OMS sobre prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular en la práctica clínica incluye el estrés como factor de riesgo para el buen funcionamiento de la bomba vital, ya que es un detonante de la hipertensión arterial. Así que aprender a lidiar con los problemas y la presión mejora la salud emocional y física. Mantente activo físicamente Mantenerse físicamente activo ayuda a reducir el riesgo de enfermedades cardiacas. Por eso, incluir en nuestra rutina semanal algún tipo de deporte es vital para cuidar nuestro sistema cardiovascular. Los especialistas recomiendan un mínimo de 30 minutos de actividad física moderada cinco veces a la semana. colesterol estres actividad
- Estimulación del Nervio Vago | MSN Doctor Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More CVA Stroke, known as Stroke Con amplios resultados el Doctor Eddy Monge nos presenta una alternativa válida para la epilepsia, se trata de la estimulación del nervio vago. Manage Appointment and Telemedicine Entering Here When it happens What does it consist of Symptoms En Caso de crisis convulsiva A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted as a result of a broken or blocked blood vessel. The stroke can be hemorrhagic or ischemic. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures allowing blood to spill through the brain. Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries blood to the brain becomes blocked or restricted due to severely narrowed arteries or a blood clot. Because treatment depends on the type of stroke, a head CT or MRI of the head may be used to help diagnose your condition. Other tests may include blood tests, electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG), carotid ultrasound, echocardiogram, or cerebral angiography. Immediate stroke treatment can help save lives and reduce disability by restoring blood flow (in the case of an ischemic stroke) or by controlling bleeding and reducing pressure in the brain (in the case of an ischemic stroke). hemorrhagic stroke). ¿Qué es el nervio vago? ¿Qué es un estimulador del nervio vago? una crisis convulsiva ¿Cómo se coloca el dispositivo? What is a stroke? A stroke occurs when the flow of blood to a part of the brain is interrupted by the presence of a blood vessel that is blocked or ruptured. Brain cells that do not receive a constant supply of oxygenated blood can die, causing permanent brain damage. There are two types of stroke: hemorrhagic and ischemic. A hemorrhagic stroke It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is ruptured or damaged, thus allowing blood to escape to the brain. A ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries blood to the brain is blocked or restricted due to marked narrowing of the arteries or a thickened mass of blood called blood clot. Blocked arteries: Fat, cholesterol, and other substances can build up on the walls of your blood vessels. Over time, these substances harden and form structures called license plate. The accumulation of fatty deposits and plaque clogs the arteries, narrowing the passage for blood. Blood clots: When a clot forms in a blood vessel cerebral who is already very thin, then the stroke is called thrombotic stroke. When a blood clot that has formed in other parts of the body breaks off and travels to a blood vessel in the brain, the result is a embolic stroke, or cerebral embolism. An embolic stroke can also be the result of an air bubble or other foreign substance in the blood that moves into and blocks a cerebral blood vessel. How a stroke is diagnosed and evaluated The first step in evaluating a stroke patient is to determine whether the patient is experiencing a hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke so that the correct treatment can be started. The first exam performed is usually a CT or MRI of the head. Images by Cerebral TAC Magnetic resonance Cerebral (see expanded information here) To help determine the type, location, and cause of a stroke, and rule out other disorders, doctors may use: Blood tests. Electrocardiogram Carotid ultrasound / Doppler ultrasound Cerebral Angiography Symptoms, which usually come on suddenly and without warning, include: Very bad headache with no known cause Numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg (especially on one side of the body) Confusion and difficulty speaking or understanding speech Trouble seeing with one or both eyes Dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
- Contacto | Asistencia al Usuario | Registro Médico | MSN Salud Noticias
Principal Training Doctor José Molina Diseases Woman Man Themes of interest Search Results More Medical record Ing. Alejandro J. Comparada Desarrollador - Fundador CEO Ing. Leandro A. Nossito Desarrollador - Fundador Director Ing. Clarissa Franchini Dirección de Ingeniería Lic. Fernanda Ramírez Directora de Mercadeo y Marketing Lic. Anastasia Ferratti Dirección Editorial - Periodismo Arq. Marisol Góndola R. Administrador General Lic. Geraldine Maitta Social Media Lic. Vanessa Hugmman Social Media Lic. Alejandra Jhonsson Relaciones Comerciales Ing. / PRG. Néstor Hourcade Procesos Lic. Victor M. Ponce de León Jefe de Diseño Lic. Samuel J. Cohen Jefe de Video Medical record Medical Record Form ¿A qué hora podemos Contactarlo? Mañana Noche No importa Send Thank you for your message!